Most--but not all--of the changes in this new public beta version address issues that were present in earlier beta versions, not the public version. We welcome your feedback! [hr][/hr] [h1]Release Notes:[/h1] [b]Improvements/Fixes[/b] [list] [*][85768] Framerate at water airports was reduced for certain quality settings after a previous bug fix, is now mostly restored to previous levels [*]Fixed some issues with .dds creation for new material definition types [*]Challenges & Training: Pressing and releasing the controller Select button activates the Pause menu instead of it only appearing while Select is held down [*]Training: Pause menu remains accessible from the controller after successive Cancel button presses [*]UI: Fixed difficult-to-provoke crash when moving between various challenge menus [*]UI: Selection dialogs' "Product" filter works correctly for vehicles that belong under multiple products [*]UI: Names of enabled/disabled-type settings are slightly altered for greater clarity [*]UI: Improved names, description text, and the enabled/disabled functionality for multiplayer sound reduction settings [*]UI: Fixed misc. minor typos in various text [/list] [b]Aircraft[/b] [list] [*]Blade Fusion 360: Added missing preview images [*]E-flite UMX F-86 Sabre 30mm EDF (without gear): Added missing preview images [*]E-flite UMX Slow Ultra Stick: Added missing preview images [*]E-flite UMX Slow Ultra Stick: Categorized correctly as a stock model (not DLC) for selection dialog filtering purposes [*]Silhouette 3D: Loads texture instead of appearing all white [*][85800] Ultra Sport tire textures are correct [/list] [hr][/hr] [b]How to Get the Beta Build[/b] [olist] [*]Restart your Steam client to ensure it is aware of the new version. [olist] [*]Right-click the Steam icon in your system tray and select Exit. [*]Once everything closes, run Steam again. [/olist][*]Right-click on RealFlight Evolution in your Steam library, then select [b]Properties…[/b] [*]In the Properties window, select [b]Betas[/b] on the left. [*]Click the [b]Beta Participation[/b] dropdown control to expand the list. [*]Select “publicbeta_directx11”. [*]Close the Properties dialog. [*]Steam will now download the new version. [/olist]You can switch back and forth between the beta and the default (non-beta) distribution branch at any time. Simply perform steps 2-7 above, except in step 5 choose “None” instead of “publicbeta_directx11”.
Welcome to RealFlight!